
On July 15, 2017 a team of 12 missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Gran Comision Church to provide a medical clinic and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives and impacting the people of Choluteca on this blog.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

It's hard to believe it's been an entire year since we were in Honduras! When I think about going back in three short days my heart and mind race. Last year was my first mission trip. Needless to say, I believe Honduras will always have a part of my heart. We are told to try not to anticipate what will happen or to have expectations. We need to go with an open heart and mind and let God move through us in whatever ways He has planned.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9

With that being said, I can't help but let my mind wander. I cannot wait to see the mountains, the children all running around playing, and the beauty in the simplicity of the culture there. I remember being worried last year that the poverty would be difficult to see. While I of course empathize with some of the conditions (lack of clean water and nutrition for example), the people have a peace and joy about them. We hear all the time that money and possessions can't buy you happiness and we know it's true; but this is visible proof.

Please pray for our team and the church in Honduras that will be graciously providing for us on our journey. We are going to serve, but I know we will be blessed beyond measure.

Three more days!!!



  1. so excited for you, emily! may god bless your travels and find a home in the hearts of the people you touch!
    love you!

  2. Can't wait to hear!
    ❤️ God, ❤️ People

  3. I'm beyond excited for you! I hope this trip is fulfilling for you and all of the people you come across. I know you will do what you can to help everyone in your path.�� Along with making friends along the way.
    I wish you and all of your team safe travels.
