
On July 15, 2017 a team of 12 missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Gran Comision Church to provide a medical clinic and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives and impacting the people of Choluteca on this blog.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Humility > Comfort

Humility > Comfort

Real talk: back at home I feel like I have a tendency to be lazy. To miss opportunities easily. To make excuses to not participate in things. This isn't something I'm proud of. In fact, it's something I've really been working on the last year. Going on my first mission trip last year was the first thing in my adult life that I did at will to take me out of my comfort zone. It made a huge difference in my life. It's one thing to see these conditions on TV or in a video at church and it's another to be here and witness it first hand. It is very humbling. I know I'm blessed at home, but being here magnifies it ten fold. Last year the opportunity came right after my divorce and so the months prior had been a whirlwind of emotions, difficult decisions, along with countless blessings and the kind of wisdom you can only acquire by going through the storm. But I've learned that when I hear the voice of God I have to act instantaneously. If I wait at all I will start second guessing abilities in particular. 

With God there are no coincidences. That tug on your heart is there for a reason. Sometimes the Holy Spirit puts things on our hearts that don't quite make sense at the time, but there is always a purpose. God wants to use us as vessels for his love. If we don't act when he calls us to, we will never get that particular opportunity back - it may be too late. I know that I don't want to have any regrets in my life about sharing the message of the Gospel. 

Yesterday (Thursday- Las Brisas) we had a woman whose husband was on his death bed. She was talking to Nick asking if there was any way we could help him if she explained his symptoms. From what I understand he had recently been discharged from the hospital. As she was speaking with Nick, family came to inform her that her husband had literally just passed on. Within a short amount of time, a truck drove by our station carrying a coffin. A lot of us didn't know what was going on and didn't see it so we continued on about our business. 

I don't think things get any more real than that. Here is a woman so desperate to get help for her husband that she left his bedside in hope that there was some chance we could help, only to find out he took his last breath as she was gone. We can say things all day long about appreciating life because you never know what can happen...but do we truly live like that? If we are 100% honest do we live in such a way that we would be ready to leave this earth tomorrow? Today? This very moment? Have you said everything you want to say? Have you lived with an eternal mindset instead of an earthly one? How many people have come to know Jesus or know Him better through you? Have you put the needs of others before your own?  These are difficult questions to be honest about. 

Today I pray for the woman who lost her husband. I pray strength and peace. I pray that she leans into God's love instead of blaming Him. For us, I pray that we do not hesitate in our decisions. When we feel the Spirit tugging on our hearts I pray we follow it boldly. I pray we have no regrets and we do not let laziness or insecurity slow us down or keep us from God's calling. 

Romans 13:11-14
"And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."

1 comment:

  1. Such Wisdom
    God has you there - all on the team for His purpose. Thanks for being obedient and listening to his whisper.
