
On July 15, 2017 a team of 12 missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Gran Comision Church to provide a medical clinic and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives and impacting the people of Choluteca on this blog.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Heavenly View

"You Amaze Us" -Celebration Worship

Today (Wednesday) was another full day. We were in the buildings right across the field from the mission house so it was nice to have a 3 minute walk as opposed to a bus ride. 

It was a very hot afternoon! With the heat index I believe it reached 106? I am not complaining, but I'm not sure I could live in such a climate all year! I guess this is yet another example of God wanting us to be pushed outside our comfort zones. 

Tonight after dinner, Rhonda and I went up to the roof to take pictures of the gorgeous sunset. All sunsets are beautiful but the view from up there was breathtaking. The pink and orange clouds settling over the lush mountains...I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be here again. God clearly led me back to Honduras this year. I want to feel about all my big life decisions the way I felt about this one. I felt 100% positive that this is where God wanted me and it was something I needed to do. 

I think my issue with this is asking for help and clarity from God. I tend to pray for others or pray thanks to God, leaving out my own requests. I hate feeling ungrateful and that's what praying for my own needs feels like. But I know this is unbiblical. The Bible tells us that Jesus is standing at the door, knocking, waiting for us to answer. He wants to bless us and he wants to use us. Serving can often be the most difficult command to follow, but it certainly comes with the most blessings. 

Being here and seeing the conditions not only physical but also emotional/spiritual, I just want everyone to know that the sufferings of this world are temporary. Their physical conditions are far more difficult than anything I will ever encounter at home, but it brings me to Colossians 3:2-3 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." 

Not everyone has to be a missionary traveling to a third world country to do this. The great commission is to go out into all the world and spread the gospel to all people - this includes at home in our own communities and places like Honduras. 

My prayer is that we can touch lives everywhere we go and spread the hope of the Gospel. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! So glad you returned - while not for everyone I believe God calls us to stretch us more and to love. I pray God uses you in s mighty way.
